Tender For corrigendum : supply of mm , knot less peek anchor-1 to 2point9 mm , knot less bio- absorbable anchor-3 to 3point9 mm , knot less peek anchor-3 to 6 mm , bio-absorbable anchor with thread -4 to 6mm , all peek anchor for double and single row cuff repair diameter 4 to 6point5 mm , disposable suture passer for lateral repairs , disposable suture passer for capsular repair , umhw 2 number white or coloured suture with needles , uhmw 2 number stripped colour suture with needles , acromio-clavicular joint dislocation repair system having button on one side and suture disc on the other side- connected with suture wire , disposable radio frequency ablation probe-different angle for arthroscopy-machine or generator should be provided by ablation at free of cost , all suture anchor 2point9 mm loaded with 2pc for cuff repair , all suture anchor 2point9 mm loaded with 3pc for cuff repair , all suture anchor 1point8 mm loaded with 2pc for bankart repair , all suture anchor 1point5 mm loaded with 1pc for bankart repair , peek anchor 5point5 mm loaded with 2pc for cuff repair , peek anchor 5point5 mm loaded with 3pc for cuff repair , peek anchor 4point5 mm loaded with 2pc for cuff repair , peek anchor 4point5 mm loaded with 3pc for cuff repair , uhmw 2 number stripped colour suture with needles with tape , titanium anchor 5 mm with 2pc for cuff repair , titanium anchor 5 mm with 3pc for cuff repair , titanium anchor 5 mm with 2pc for cuff repair with needle , tibial base plate round hole button for acl , round fixation button for tibia for all inside acl , uhmw 0 number stripped colour suture with reverse cutting needles for stiching the graft , flip cutters 4point5 mm of all sizes 6 to 12 for all inside acl , suture passer for knee scorpion gun for root repair , needle for suture passer for knee scorpion , suture passer for shoulder scorpion gun for rotator cuff repair , needle for suture passer for shoulder scorpion , collagen patch for shoulder rotator cuff repair
Tender For supply of vaccum blood collection tubes with needles edta 3 ml , vaccum blood collection tubes without needles sterile tube with gel 5ml material plastic glass , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles sterile tube without gel 5ml , vaccum blood collection tubes without needles sodium citrate 3ml , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles and additives sodium fluoride sodium fluoride plus k3edta in tubes of vol 02 ml , keto diastix bott of 50 strips , kit for chloestrol 2 x 100 , kit for uric acid 2 x 50 , kit for creatinine 4 x 50 , kits for estimation of alkaline phosphatase 50x2 , kits for estimation of sgot ast 100x1 , kits for estimation of sgpt alt 2x50 , kit for triglyceride estimation 100 ml , kit for ldl cholesterol by direct estimation , microtips 200ul filter barrier and sterile , microtips 1000ul filter barrier and sterile , dengu kit 50x1 , widal kit , crp test kit 50x1 , ra factor kit 50x1 , kit for urea 4 x 50 , scalp vein set with luer fitting of disposable plastic size 24 g blister pack , test tube length 8cm x 13mm internal dia with rim , kit for glucose 2 x 250 , kit for total bilirubin 4 x 50 , slide 50x1 pkt , hbsag rapid test kit pack size 50 x 1 , pregnancy test kit 50x1 , ict malaria test kit 50x1 , urine disposable container , lancet disposable pre sterilised size 10 , hiv i and ii rapid test kit , aso test kit 50x1 , kit for estimation of ckmb 20x1 , entercheck rapid thyphoid kit igg igm pack size 50x1 , esr tube wintrob western green dispo , erba wash ml 50x4 , ph indicator blue litmus red pack size 200x3 , ph indicator red litmus blue pack size 200x3 , electrolyte sodium pottasium kit 96x1 , abx minidial pack size 10 ltr x 1 , abx minoculair 100 ml x1 pack size , abx lysebio 400 ml x 1 pack size , abx cleaner 1x1 ltr , semi auto analyser wash solution , drabkin solution diluting solution for heamoglobin estimation , kit for estimation of protein , salmonella typhi o , salmonella typhi h , strips albumin and glucose bottle of 100 strips , kit for estimation of hdl cholesterol , cover slip , kit for direct billirubin 4x50 , kit for estimation of ldh 12x5 , kit for estimation of amylase 12x5 , kit for estimation of calcium 50x1 , pt reagent kit of 25 test , kit for estimation of albumin 125x2 , 4th generation hiv rapid test , autodil plus solution blood cell counter erba company pce 210 , autocleaning solution for cell counter machine pce 210 , lysing reagent for cell counter machine pce 210
Tender For corrigendum : empanelment of the vendor for supplying institutional fashion designing tool and stationery item on rental basis at bipard - students notes, sewing machine tool kit, dexterity test kit, chalk &marker (chalks & markers of different colours), tech pack/ specification sheet, trims/accessory /fabric and embroideries samples/swatch, file, measurement sheet/ size chart, buyer requirement/ comment sheet, fashion forecasting books/journals/magazines, pantone shade card, white /black board marker, blackboard/whiteboard, magnetic white board/black board eraser, punching machine, cello-tape (transparent and foam double sided tapes,, single sided tapes), fabric glue, glue stick/fevicol/adhesive, stapler (small and big size), paint brushes (different sizes), colour (poster colour, water colour, acrylics, pastels, fabric, printing dyes and colors and materials etc), carbon paper (a4, yellow, red and white carbon), tailors chalk, marking chalk (yellow/pink/ green/ blue coloured), pinking shears, scissors (plastic handled scissor for cutting paper, labels & stickers (qty may vary as per requirement), paper (various quality and sizes), pattern drafting paper, paper cutter, design transferring paper, carbon paper (various colours), sharpener, note books, eraser, pencil (hb, 2b, h, 2h, 4h,4b, 6b, 8b), highlighter (quantity may vary as per requirement), fabric pins, dress maker's pin (quantity may vary as per requirement), push pins (quantity may vary as per requirement), teacher's chair, teacher's table, student's chair (with table arm), stools for cutting, pattern table /cutting table, boxes and pouches for storing items, dustbin, pin cushion (quantity may vary as per requirement), trim/accessory buttons, surface embellishments, zippers, etc assorted, qnt may vary), fabric yardages, surplus fabric, good quality muslin madatory, other optional, qnt may vary), embroidery frame (various sizes and shapes qnt may vary), hanger (wooden and plastic material), bobbin case (qnt may vary), bobbins (qnt may vary), sewing threads (surplus thread is used. the quantity, thread, packaging, variety may vary as per requirement), embroidery thread as per req, hand notcher (pattern notcher), button hole scissor, attachments for sewing machine (as per req), machine needle and hand needles (various, gauges), embroidery needles, machine oil, machine tool kit (screw driver, screw etc.), sewing kit (includes thread clipper/hand trimmer, seam ripper, fabric cutting scissors, tracing wheel, measuring tape, etc), types of scales: normal straight big ruler, hip curve, leg, shaper, pattern master, frenchcurve etc, drawing board (any size wooden), garment, made ups and home furnishing samples ((qnt may, vary), machine tool kit, press/iron (any type) with table, embroidery machine with stool and table, cleaning cloth, over lock machine (5 thread over lock machine) with stool, stools for sewing depending on no. of machines, sewing machine with tables (domestic or industrial snls as, per requirement), mannequin (male or female , size m), printer, design softwares (coral, photoshop etc), first aid box & fire extinguisher, computer & computer peripherals, students notes, sewing machine tool kit, dexterity test kit, chalk &marker (chalks & markers of different colours), tech pack/ specification sheet, trims/accessory /fabric and embroideries samples/swatch, file, measurement sheet/ size chart, buyer requirement/ comment sheet, fashion forecasting books/journals/magazines, pantone shade card, white /blackboard marker, blackboard/whiteboard, magnetic white board/black board eraser, punching machine, cello-tape (transparent and foam double sided tapes,, single sided tapes), fabric glue, glue stick/fevicol/adhesive, stapler (small and big size), paint brushes (different sizes), colour (poster colour, water colour, acrylics, pastels, fabric, printing dyes and colors and materials etc), carbon paper (a4, yellow, red and white carbon), tailors c
Tender For supply of anaesthesia, paed & paed surgery related surgical items to kmcri hubli - sterile disposable spinal needle no 20gx3.5 (1x1), octopus triple lumen //, octopus double lumen ///, dosi flow meter//, laryngoscope fibreoptic paediatric reusable soft grip handle set of 4 blades//, laryngoscope fibreoptic adult reusable soft grip handle set of 4 blades//, baska mask no. 3//, ventilator circuit paed small kit//, spinal anaesthesia kit//, ventilator circuit 3 limb with hme filter//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate thigh//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda large adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda small adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate child//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate infant//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate small infant//, pencil point spinal needle paediatric 25x3.8cms//, pencil point spinal needle 25x12cms//, pencil point spinal needle 29x9cms//, spinal needle quinkee paediatric 25gx5cms//, spinal needle quinkee paediatric 25gx3cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 25gx13cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 25gx15cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 22gx15cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 22gx12cms//, nerve block needles ultrasound guided with removable polyurythene extension line 3.5 cms//, lma protector airway with cuff pilot, phthalte free no. (3 to 5)//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 12 cms//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 8 cms//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 5 cms//, maccoy blades set no 2,3,4//, magill forceps small, medium, large//, closed head ring 280x240x140 mm//, closed head ring 200x75x45 mm//, closed head ring 140x60x35 mm//, fmt profile soft seal cuff straight /magill curve (5 to 8.5)//, endotracheal tube siliconized without cuff pvc no- 2 (1x1)//, endotracheal tube with cuff sterile no-5.5 (1x1)//, endotracheal tube with cuff sterile no-5 (1x1)//, microcuff rae tube 10 micron thickness (4.0 to 5)//, pressure monitoring line m/f 100 cm//, pressure monitoring line m/f 200 cm//, pressure monitoring line m/f 150 cm//, cse cure with lock mechanism 27/18 kit//, i gel (1.0 to 2.0) (1x1)//, scented large adult anaesthetic face masks with hook ring size (0 to 6)//, tube support malleable neonatal//, tube support malleable adult/, ayres t-piece //, gel closed head ring paed/, gel closed head ring adult//, breathing bag 2.0 litre//, breathing bag 1.0 litre//, breathing bag 0.5 litre/, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 500ml (ped) silicon 1x1//, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 250ml (neonatal) silicon 1x1//, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 1000ml /1600ml(adult) silicon 1x1//, south oral murphy eye profile softseal cuff tube (no. 5 to 8.5), anatomical face mask 06 reprocesable autoclavable upto maximum temp 137 degree c (1x1)//, nasopharyngeal airway (12,14,16,18,20,22)//, nasopharyngeal airway (6,7,8)//, open ligaclip applicator//, venturi face mask kit with set of venturi valves (1x1)//, ventilator circuit disposable adult kit ventilator circuit 3 limbs plain hme filter bacterial filter cather mount yankur suction set brush recovery kit nebulizer t-connector airway(size 3&4) (1x1)//, ventilator circuit dual heated (neonatal/paed) compatible to drager & sle machine (1x1)//, urine collecting pouch (pead) (1x1)//, usg machine probe steriled disposable bag (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 8.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 7.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 6.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 5.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 4.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 3.5fr (1x1)//, umbilic
Tender For supply of machineries under hsp scheme for the year 2024-25 - list of machineries, two for one conversion machine (120 needles), modernized sewing machine, cheese winder-12 drum, hydraulic bale press machine
Tender For supply of post mortem set , scissors straight , scissor curved , hand saw , forceps large , forceps small , artery forceps , b p handles , slide cabinet 2000 slides , haemoglobinometer , dlc counter , urinometer , clinical thermometer digital , maximum minimum thermometer , noise recorder , body brush , bulb holder , bull nose punch , bull nose ring , casting ropes , d horning saw , dipping fork , drenching equipments , enamel tray , hair clipping machine , hoof rasp , hoof trimmer , measuring tape , electric d horner , milk measures , pig catcher , tattoing forceps , teat siphon , trocar and cannula , drenching can or bottle , probang gag , hair clipper , feeder chick , feeder grover , feeder layer , feeder brider , drinker chick , drinker grover , drinker automatic , drinker nipple , drinker nippole with cup , feeding scoop , egg filter flats plastic and caerdboard , egg tray , brooder electric , broder guard , flamegun , tattoing set tags , ai equepments different species each set , branding set , slide cabinet 1000 capacity , storage boxes for chart diagram etc , mouth gag large animal , mouth gag small animal , stomach tubes for ruminants , stomach tubes for dog and cats , trochar and cannula , phonendoscopes , otoscopes , stainless steel sterilizers , veginal specculam for different species of animals , embriotomy knife , wire saw each set , dressing drum small , dressi ng drum large , teat and udder instrument each set , weingarths rumenotomy set , diff size of cannula for large and small animals , biopsy needles each set , pincers , sealpels forceps etc each set , post mortem instruments , drip stands , ai guns for diff species , intrauterine catheter , instrument or syringe sterilizers , stainless steel trays 12 by 15 or 15 by 18 , stainless steel trays 8 by 10 , scissors 8 or 10 clipping , catheters manometers etc , surgical pack for small animals , surgical packs for large animals